Restoring your hair with natural growth factors consists of a two-step process. First, the natural growth factors are made from your blood and then injected into areas with sparse hair on your scalp. We offer the most advanced hair restoration techniques to provide you with optimal results. A state-of-the-art device is used in all procedures to give the solution a boost in natural growth factors. We have extensive experience in hair restoration treatments and use the most advanced protocols. This hair restoration procedure gives you thicker, healthier hair for a youthful appearance.

The advantages of this treatment include:

  • Stimulates new hair follicles
  • Improves cell turnover
  • Causes new cell growth and healthy cell activity
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Increases hair growth, strength, and vibrancy
  • Short treatment sessions
  • No downtime

Did you know?

A clinical study has proven that natural growth factor hair restoration produces real-world results. Within two weeks after their treatment, the patients appeared to have increased epidermal thickness, number of new hair follicles, and cells that produce keratin. Clinicians discovered that this procedure stimulates natural hair growth and improves hair count and thickness by increasing the blood supply within the hair follicles.

The Treatment

Natural Growth Factor Hair Restoration


This procedure treats thinning and sparse hair on the scalp. It regenerates the health of hair follicles for maximum hair growth. We deliver the solution using an injection to the scalp to stimulate the healing response. With several treatments every few months, your hair follicles become fully restored and produce thicker hair strands. For optimal results, we combine natural growth factor injections with microneedling to boost circulation and enhance the health of hair follicles at maximum capacity.

Add on:


The additional plasma from your treatment can be used for microneedling or injection procedures.


It treats the area on the scalp with sparse hair.

The results appear six weeks after the treatment. You'll continue to see improvements for up to twelve months after the procedure.


The results can last up to one year.


Yes. You may get bruising, redness, and swelling. These symptoms fade within a few days.


Taso and Akis are a fantastic duo and I highly recommend them if you’re a man interested in injectables. They know their stuff.
– Björn S.